Articles > 🎯 The future of team building activities: 7 best practices

🎯 The future of team building activities: 7 best practices

Team building activities

The choice of a team building activity is always difficult for decision-makers, because many parameters have to be taken into account. From its accessibility to its unifying character through the price per person, each factor is important. From now on, a new factor must also be taken into account: remote work. In fact, more and more companies have remote or hybrid teams. The challenge is therefore to be able to bring employees together remotely for a fun activity.


In this context, virtual team building activities are emerging as the future of team building. But they still have to really achieve their objective, which is to develop team cohesion.


Here we decipher for you 7 best practices for successful virtual team building activities in the years to come.

Define clear objectives for your virtual Team Building activities

Most organizations throw all sorts of activities in one session of team building and expect their staff to build trust, loyalty, discipline, and other qualities, but it doesn't work that way. First, you need to make a list of goals you want to achieve, then choose activities that are appropriate for each goal. This will allow you to align everyone on the same vision, avoid confusion, and measure progress and results.

Encourage collaboration and feedback

A great way to build trust and relationships within teams is to encourage collaboration and feedback among your team members. This can help your people learn from each other, share their ideas and opinions, and improve their skills and performance. You can use a tool like WorkAdventure to facilitate collaboration and feedback. Our 2D metaverse allows you to create a safe and supportive environment where your team can express themselves openly and constructively through avatars.

Make sure everyone has the necessary equipment

You will need to ensure that everyone has the necessary equipment to participate in your remote team building activity. In general, the equipment should include a webcam, a microphone and a good Internet connection. Also consider setting a time and date for your event. However, be sure to choose a time that will suit everyone on your team.

Prioritize good humor, letting go and interaction

One of the keys to the success of team building is its ability to create links between employees. For this, the chosen activity must be unifying and be done in laughter and kindness. These conditions are essential to allow everyone to let go and get out of the professional environment. Thanks to this, team members can break the ice of daily work to discover themselves from another, more personal angle. By making the event interactive and collaborative, you can keep your staff engaged and enthusiastic.

Use a reliable virtual event platform

You need a highly reliable virtual event’s platform to organize successful, engaging and interactive virtual team building activities. With WorkAdventure, you can easily host an online event with amazing features where event attendees can enjoy the event and get a chance to interact with each other in real time. For this, WorkAdventure offers an intuitive interface where the host can customize all aspects of the event. Moreover, many of the available features can make your team building activities very fun and collaborative.

Collect feedback after the team building

If you want to know if your corporate team building is a success, consult your participants. You can set up a post-event satisfaction survey to measure this. Thus, you will evaluate your event to improve and optimize your future virtual team building activities.

In summary...

Many companies are international or multi-site. It is therefore sometimes complicated to organize an event that brings everyone together in the same place. Remote team building is therefore the solution. By following the best practices listed above, you can organize virtual team building activities that will be both fun and beneficial for your team in the coming years.


WorkAdventure will help you create dynamic virtual environments and set up immersive team building activities with ease.

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