Articles > ☘️ 10 benefits of remote working for employees and employers 

☘️ 10 benefits of remote working for employees and employers 

WorkAdventure virtual office

Remote working, or telework, was already on the rise over the past decade, but COVID-19 has dramatically increased its popularity. Remote working has tangible and proven benefits for both employers and employees: increased employee productivity, savings, easier recruitment, etc. Here are 10 benefits of remote work.

The benefits of remote working for employees

Thanks to the abundance of tools from information and communication technologies, remote working has become possible. This new way of working allows employees to exercise their job outside the premises of the company. Among the advantages of teleworking for employees, we note the following points:

1- More independence

With remote work, employees can work wherever they want: at home, in a café or in a place dedicated to coworking. It depends on what has been negotiated with the company. This point is one of the biggest benefits of remote working. Employees also organise their working days as he sees fit. This way of working inspires a real feeling of independence and freedom. The teleworker can then be autonomous and productive at the same time.

2- A better quality of life

Employees work in a more suitable environment, both personally and professionally. They can sit in front of their computer, in the living room, in the garden or on the terrace, for example, and make way for a great day at work. Employees working from home can also decide to take a break when they feel the need. They are therefore less exposed to stress.

3- A considerable saving of time

For many people, the trip to the office is a real waste of time. With telework, it is possible to save those hours lost in traffic jams.

4- Money savings

Not having to commute every morning to work means you no longer spend on tolls, gas and also tickets for those who use public transport. You will also save money by cooking your meals from home while working remotely, instead of going out to a restaurant each day.

5- More time for well-being, family and leisure

The flexibility offered by remote work allows employees to devote more time to their families. They also benefit from more time for hobbies, passions, but also to think a little more about their well-being. This is an important factor that develops the motivation and personal fulfilment to progress.

Work-life balance

The benefits of remote working for employers

The implementation of remote work varies by company. Some are more flexible and some are stricter. Employees aren't the only ones reaping the benefits of remote working. Let's see in the following lines the advantages that telework offers to employers.

1- Reduction of monthly charges

Telework allows a reduction of certain costs and expenses for employers: electricity, replacement of computer equipment, rent for premises, transport costs related to team missions... By opting for remote work, you can simply use WorkAdventure to create a virtual workspace that allows employees to interact despite the distance.

2- Increased productivity

The productivity rate is optimized since employees work from home. They are not distracted by their colleagues and can focus more on the objectives. Those who live in big cities will not be paralyzed by traffic jams or even bad weather, especially in winter (snow, storms, etc.).

3- Increased employee well-being 

It is important to point out that employers also have a responsibility to take care of their employees. By allowing your employees who wish to work from home, you ensure their well-being and their happiness at work.

4- A competitive advantage in the talent war

Managers who offer the possibility of remote working have seen their workforce much more engaged. Nearly 75% of employees surveyed in a Softchoice study said they would leave their job for one that offered remote work. It is therefore a very strong competitive advantage in the battle for new talent.

5- Recruitment of people with disabilities

Remote work can also be very interesting for the recruitment of people with reduced mobility. These employees will thus be able to work from home, reconciling medical care and work.

In conclusion… 

Remote working has many benefits for both companies and employees. It can therefore be a good way to satisfy everyone, since it's a win-win system. Some big companies like Wordpress have even decided to close some of their offices because employees preferred working remotely. And despite this decision, the company continues to do well. Proof that teleworking works! 

If you too have decided to get started, discover our virtual office solution to make teleworking more user-friendly. Try WorkAdventure!

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